How to keep your rabbit healthy

How to keep your rabbit healthy

How to keep your rabbit healthy? You use the same basic principles that are used to keep any animal healthy!This mean clean water, a balanced diet, plenty of exercise, a dry place to sleep, and companionship, plus checkup at the veterinarian.
Clean water is essential. Most rabbits in the wild live near streams or ponds and so have large quantities of fresh water, yours will as well. Clean out the bowl and fill it fresh each morning. Stale or stagnate water tends to breed not only mosquitoes, which can spread both human and rabbit diseases, but also get small amounts of feces in it and so grow bacteria. Those bacteria such as Escherichia coli can cause massive health problems for the bunny!
A balanced diet will not only help build a healthy body, but provide nutrients that support and increase the ability of the immune system to fight disease. Nutitional diseases can include weak bones, hair loss, and even blindness. The rabbit's diet should only be vegetables, but a selection is required to provide everything. Lettuce, carrots, beet tops and spinach are all nice and will be appreciated by your rabbit. There are also commercial diets available.
Along with the diet should be small sticks and twigs, rabbits need to chew. Their front teeth are constantly growing and if they do not haver hard things to chew on, the teeth can grow excessively and stop the animal from feeding at all. If you are gathering your own foliage and feed, be sure to learn any poisonous, otherwise you may poison your rabbit and it won't be health at all!
All animals need exercise and a place to run, rabbits included. Kept in to small a pen it will start to droop, lose hair, and get sores on its body and start to smell! Let it out and run in the yard or house. You may need to watch it so it doesn't dig under the fence or scoot out the gate, but that is part of being a pet owner, playing with your pet. Wash it and give it a bath, it will help with fleas and get it some swimming time.
The pen should be in a sheltered, dry pace. Most of the bottom can be small wire that feces and urine can drop through, but there should be a sleeping box for the animal to be safe, dry and draft free.
The wire bottom will cut down on parasites, but take it to the veterinarian anyway. Check for ear mites and worms, if you are letting it play, it may get some, they are common on most lawns, especially if there are wild rabbits around. The veterinarian can also warn you about any diseases in the area and provide vaccinations when needed.

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